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Job 20:29
Such is the fate God allots the wicked, the heritage appointed for them by God.”

Shalom sdr, my devotion today, Sat, Jan. 7, FATE (Job 20:29). Do The Christians believe in fate? Does fate exists in Christianity? Many Christians don’t believe in fate. For them fate is:
1. Fate is unjust.
Who determines what is just and unjust? On what standard, man may say what is just or unjust? Who knows what is just or unjust? Who dares to say that what God does is unjust?

2. Fate is evil.
Men believe that fate is evil. How could God determine certain fate for men? How could God determine some men to have bad destiny and the others, good? How could God see some men go to hell? How could God bring some men to heaven without any effort by men?

3. Fate is bad.
Fate is contrary to God’s existence. It is against the teaching of The Bible. It makes problem with the other teaching, God is love or God is holy. It is the reason for other people to mock The Christian. But, the underline truth is who we are to refuse the fate which God gives to us? ASH.