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Numbers 21:9
So Moses made a bronze snake and put it up on a pole. Then when anyone was bitten by a snake and looked at the bronze snake, they lived.

Shalom sdr, my devotion today, Wed, Feb. 24, BRONZE SNAKE (Num. 21:9). I was amazed with the skill of Moses. Above anything else, Moses was a skillful man. He was not only trained in military, but also in many philosophies, politics, religious studies. But the 1 thing that not many people know is that Moses was quite an artist too. He could make a bronze snake in a blink of eye. The people was bitten by snakes. Some had died already. To save them, God ordered him to make a snake on a pole. He obeyed and made it quickly. What we can learn:
a. Nothing is useless for God.
God can use anything in us. Although, it looks useless, but God can turn and use it in his work. Nothing is too small and unimportant for God. As long as, we are available, God can use us greatly.

b. Nothing is forgotten for God.
Somehow, God can use our skill in his perfect plan. Somehow, God can take out our skill and make it beneficial in ministry. We can’t bury our skill. All the skills will be used mightily by and for God.

c. Nothing is meaningless for God.
God doesn’t only use, but also give meanings to all of the things he wants us to do. Our limited work is turned into magnificent work. Notice, the snake was not a mere snake, watch and healed. That snake symbolizes the sacrifice and death of Jesus. On the cross, he was hung. On the cross, the snake had beem defeated. So, let’s use everything for God. ASH.