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Judges 11:36
“My father,” she replied, “you have given your word to the Lord. Do to me just as you promised, now that the Lord has avenged you of your enemies, the Ammonites.

Shalom sdr, my devotion today, Wed, May 19, DAUGHTER (Judg. 11:36). Jephtah had a super daughter. She loved her father unconditionally. She was just ready to obey whatever her father said. No protest. No objection. No bargain. How could a scoundrel like Jephtah had a daughter like that?
a. Teaching in The Lord.
Jephtah taught his daughter in The Lord. Once, Jephtah said about his vow to The Lord which he could not break, her daughter obeyed.

b. Loving in pure love.
Jephtah had only 1 child. He loved her wholeheartedly. He must have taught her well, although the environment didn’t support her or him. Although, they were surrounded by scoundrels.

c. Showing her the meaning of a promise.
Jephtah must be a promise keeper. He had showed to his daughter, that once he had made a promise, he had to keep it. Especially this, he had made a promise to God. He had to keep it. So, let’s teach our kids how to love God. ASH.