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1 Samuel 14:35
Then Saul built an altar to the Lord; it was the first time he had done this.

Shalom sdr, my devotion today, Wed, June 16, FORGOTTEN (I Sam. 14:35). Men are forgetful. Many times, we forget many things. But the worst is that we forget the most important thing in our life, that is prayer. Why?
a. Men consider it unimportant.
Prayer is the least important compared to the other things. Men can do other things first, then, if they want, they can pray. If not, it’s ok. Prayer is not important. Men can pray or not. Other things are much more important than prayer.

b. Men consider it useless.
To pray or not to pray bring no difference. Not praying has no negative effect in life. Life will move on continuously as it is. Prayer has no impact in life.

c. Men consider it weak.
Prayer is for the weak, who can do nothing except to pray. For those who are strong, do other things.

d. Men consider it wasting time.
Prayer takes valuable time. The time can be used to do other more important things. Saul considered prayer as not important. Therefore, this is the first time he prayed. What about us? Do we consider prayer as important? ASH.