Deuteronomy 6:3
Hear, Israel, and be careful to obey so that it may go well with you and that you may increase greatly in a land flowing with milk and honey, just as the Lord, the God of your ancestors, promised you.
Shalom sdr, my devotion today, Wed, March 17, HEAR (Deut. 6:3). Actually, ear is very powerful. Men learn everything from 2 inputs, the eyes and the ears. But, The Hebrews is encouraged to learn much more from the ears.
a. The ears to believe.
From listening the word, men may have faith. The Bible says that men can believe not by sight, but by listening.
b. The ears to love.
Notice, that the word heart contains the word ear in its middle. If we take out the beginning (h) and ending (t), then what is left is the word ear. So, if we want to love and to be loved, give more ear to listen.
c. The ears to please.
We use our ears to please God. We do things according to what we hear from the word of God. We can listen more and more. So that we can please more and more. ASH.
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