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Psalms 8:4
what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?

Shalom sdr, my devotion today, Mon, Jan. 7, MANKIND (Ps. 8:4). Men were really blessed by God. If somebody feels that he has no blessings in his life, I think that is awkward. God has blessed so much, how weird if a man considers them nothing? What are the blessings of God?

1. Care.
God cares for men. Who asked God to do that? God could easily create another men. Yet, he didn’t create new men, but care the men whom he had created.

2. Crowned.
God crowned men with glory and honor. He as the true ruler didn’t afraid to make competitors. No man can be the competitor of God anyway. He also didn’t lose glory and honor. The glory and honor of men didn’t threaten his glory and honor.

3. Confide.
God confided men with authority over all animals on the land, in the sky and in the sea. Men could decide the life of animals, the destiny of animals, to be eaten or to be reduced its numbers. So, how great is God’s blessings in and for us. ASH.