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Exodus 8:28
Pharaoh said, “I will let you go to offer sacrifices to the Lord your God in the wilderness, but you must not go very far. Now pray for me.”

Shalom sdr, my devotion today, Sun, Dec.6, PRAY (Ex. 8:28). Many people pray, but not knowing what a prayer is and what they pray. They just keep speaking and chanting. In this case, we can see that Pharaoh also prayed. He believed in prayer. Therefore, he asked Moses to pray for him. If he didn’t believe in prayer, he wouldn’t ask Moses to pray for him.
a. Prayer is a communication, not a recitation.
We talk to The Father intimately and closely. We can utter whatever in our heart is.

b. Prayer is a submission not an invasion.
Many people pray as if they talk to their associates, workers or even slaves. They just want God to do this and that for them. They forgot to say please. Just like Pharaoh commanded Moses to pray for him without saying please.

c. Prayer is an alteration, not malfunction.
A person should be better after prayer. Not worse. Pharaoh prayed, but he was envy to The Israelites. He prayed, but kept pressing people to work hard. He prayed, but how his heart was hard? Many times, people pray, but what is the benefit, outcome and alteration? So, let’s pray and let the result of prayer happen on us first. ASH.