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Psalms 39:10
Remove your scourge from me; I am overcome by the blow of your hand.

Shalom sdr, my devotion today, Thu, Mar. 10, SCOURGE (Ps. 39:10). God doesn’t only telling us what to do, empt speaking, reminding us about his command and doing other things which hurting us not. He also would scourge physically and psychologically. It shows his
1. Decisiveness.
He is a decisive God. He doesn’t afraid of us. He is God. He is the one whom created and made us. He brought us to live on earth. He preserved us till today. He has all the power over us. He can control and use his powet over us.

2. Determination.
He is not swerving right or left. His course is straight. He determines to love and bring life to us. He is certainly successful to make his plans happens on us. Nothing and nobody could break his plans.

3. Discipline.
He disciplines us to show his unique love to us. He loves in such a way different from human’s love. He is soft and tender toward sinful things. He is serious thag we have to live in holiness. So, be ready over his scourges. ASH.