Psalms 116:8
For you, LORD, have delivered me from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling
Shalom sdr, my devotion today, Thu, May 26, TEARS (Ps. 116:8). What is the usage of tears? Men still have no or little knowledge of many things, including of our bodies. We don’t know much about the appendix, hair, etc. Including the tears. Because of not much knowledge, we consider them as useless. We don’t value much of them. We don’t feel bad of we lose them. Do you feel bad if you loss your hair everyday in a regular bases? But, not with God. Thus, What is the usage of tears?
1. To moist the eyes.
Physically, the eyes need to be moistened. Eyes would be dry if there is no tears. If the eyes have no tears, then, we would have many problems. We would need artificial tears to moist the eyes. We can’t live without tears.
2. To comfort the heart.
Emotionally, tears help soothing our feeling. When we are sad, we can cry. And then, usually, after the cry, we can feel much better. We can feel that our burden are gone. Although, we still have to face the problems, but our feelings are already better.
3. To symbolize repentance.
Tears help us to show our remorse. It doesn’t guarantee the repentance itself. Repentance happen when we change, not when we cry. But crying help us to show that we are serious with the repentance. Of course, concrete actions have to be done as the follow up of the crying. ASH.
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